Some updates

I have a midterm on Wednesday, so I've been studying on and off for that this weekend and haven't gotten a whole lot done. I've added some more functionality to polygons (ex: checking convexity). The last thing I want to work on is the ability to fetch a dictionary of {point: angle} entries for a polygon. There'll be a lot of acos floating around, but there's really no other way about it. After I can get a couple of these things done then all I have left is committing the changes to the repository.

I've still been debating moving all of the is_*** (previously are_***) methods to, external of the classes. My only argument against this now is that if someone feels like importing particular things they would have to import the individual functions if they existed in instead of the classes. Because of this, I think I'm just going to keep it as is for now. This single, simple little thing has taken the most thought!

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